Persian Rugs

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9648 Rugs found

131 From 242
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Tabriz Rug 300 x 190 Tabriz
193 x 300
1,800£* 1,436£*
Tabriz Rug 340 x 340 Tabriz
342 x 338
3,439£* 2,063£*
Mashad Rug 290 x 200 Mashad
195 x 285
2,832£* 1,416£*
Kashan Rug 420 x 310 Kashan
307 x 420
Kashan Rug 400 x 290 Kashan
293 x 398
2,801£* 2,235£*
Nain Rug 300 x 200 Nain
200 x 295
3,054£* 2,437£*
Tabriz Rug 300 x 300 Tabriz
302 x 303
Tabriz Rug 310 x 240 Tabriz
244 x 314
3,833£* 3,064£*
Tabriz Rug 300 x 200 Tabriz
200 x 303
Kashan Rug 370 x 280 Kashan
277 x 370
5,108£* 3,307£*
Nain Rug 210 x 140 Nain
136 x 210
Kashan Rug 300 x 200 Kashan
198 x 300
1,987£* 1,092£*
Nain Rug 310 x 200 Nain
200 x 311
3,732£* 1,866£*
Kashan Rug 350 x 240 Kashan
237 x 348
1,962£* 1,572£*
Kashan Rug 310 x 200 Kashan
196 x 307
Mashad Rug 290 x 190 Mashad
190 x 288
Mashad Rug 290 x 200 Mashad
200 x 291
864£* 692£*
Bakhtiar Rug 290 x 200 Bakhtiar
200 x 292
1,360£* 885£*
Kashmar Rug 360 x 260 Kashmar
255 x 363
3,044£* 1,674£*
Kashmar Rug 400 x 300 Kashmar
300 x 398
2,498£* 1,497£*
Bakhtiar Rug 310 x 200 Bakhtiar
202 x 309
1,228£* 981£*
Kashan Rug 140 x 100 Kashan
100 x 144
556£* 359£*
Sarouk Rug 130 x 70 Sarouk
66 x 133
308£* 214£*
Kashan Rug 200 x 130 Kashan
133 x 200
1,011£* 606£*
Kashan Rug 200 x 140 Kashan
135 x 198
1,168£* 814£*
Kashan Rug 350 x 250 Kashan
245 x 350
2,336£* 1,168£*
Kashan Rug 60 x 100 Kashan
102 x 64
Kerman Rug 400 x 310 Kerman
306 x 395
5,714£* 3,418£*
Bakhtiar Rug 280 x 210 Bakhtiar
210 x 278
1,552£* 854£*
Tabriz Rug 310 x 200 Tabriz
200 x 305
6,726£* 5,360£*
Senneh Rug 130 x 70 Senneh
66 x 125
Kashan Rug 350 x 240 Kashan
244 x 350
2,144£* 1,284£*
Kashan Rug 290 x 200 Kashan
198 x 290
Moud Rug 310 x 200 Moud
200 x 305
2,963£* 1,780£*
Senneh Rug 390 x 90 Senneh
90 x 385
1,117£* 895£*
Kashan Rug 400 x 290 Kashan
293 x 400
2,103£* 1,684£*
Kashan Rug 370 x 250 Kashan
245 x 365
1,527£* 1,218£*
Kerman Rug 320 x 250 Kerman
246 x 320
3,348£* 2,680£*
Kashan Rug 140 x 210 Kashan
135 x 206
6,018£* 4,824£*
Tabriz Rug 120 x 190 Tabriz
123 x 190
131 From 242
Persian Rugs

Persian rugs overview

Traditional Persian rugs - types and variety at a glance

Next to Turkish and Afghan rugs, Persian rugs are the most well-known hand-knotted oriental rugs. Persian rugs are commonly referred to as rugs from modern-day Iran that are designed in floral patterns and vibrant colors. The nomadic rugs hand-knotted in Iran are not strictly speaking counted among the classic Persian rugs, as they are usually knotted in darker colors and geometric patterns.

The term Persian rug as such has been retained for the rugs, even though politically the designation of the country as Iran has been established for several decades. A Persian rug is characterized - as already mentioned - by its floral patterns. The great variety of Persian rugs is named after the provenances, cities and villages

History of Persian rugs

Iran is a multi-ethnic country and combines many cultures together. The region of Azerbaijan is considered one of the cradles of the Iranian rug industry. Documents prove that Persian rugs and kilims are at least 1200 years old. Under the Seljuks, the craft of knotting became popular in Persia. The heyday of traditional Persian rugs was in the era of the Safavids, who particularly promoted this art form. Until the 15th century, almost exclusively geometric motifs were used. After that, plants and sweeping arabesques increasingly appeared. They were inspired by the then widespread art form of miniature painting. Since then, the artistic rug design has been clearly separated from the actual execution of the knotting work. Talented draftsmen made knotting patterns for Persian rugs on cardboard or paper, which became the binding template. The Persian rugs known to us today mostly date from the Shah period. Under the Persian Shah, the Persian rug gained great importance as an export commodity and is today inextricably linked with Persian tradition.

The most famous Persian rug provenances

  • Tabriz rugs - They have been knotted in the city on the former Silk Road since the 16th century.
  • Nain rugs - Particularly bright and magnificent Persian rugs worked with silk.
  • Sarough rugs - Large and ancient rugs also known as American Sarough.
  • Bijar rugs - An extremely sturdy and strong rug that often lasts for decades.
  • Isfahan rugs - The finest, most colorful and magnificent knotted works of art in the world.
  • Keshan rugs - Large ornaments in red and blue colors, with a good price-quality ratio.
  • Hamedan rugs - Hamedan rugs are Persian nomadic rugs from Hamedan province.

Most important distinguishing features of Persian rugs

In addition to the provenances listed above, there are countless other smaller towns and villages after which Persian rugs are named. Even many experts can hardly distinguish them. The biggest differences in the various provenances are:

  • Knotting density
  • Color
  • Design
  • Ornament
  • Manufacture

On the other hand, they can be compared in their materials used and the symmetrical and asymmetrical so-called Persian knot. For example, the Isfahan and Gabbeh rugs are two Persian rugs that differ greatly in their appearance. The Isfahan is one of the finest and most colorful Persian rugs. A Gabbeh rug, on the other hand, is rather plain in appearance, as this type is a plain wool rug.

Hand-knotted Persian rugs - the Permium rug for the home

For rug lovers, there is always also a variety of unique pieces available, which fit the respective high demands. One thing is guaranteed: The purchase of a genuine Persian unique piece, whether for the living room or the bedroom, brings an exotic flair into your home. In addition, the world of Persian rugs offers a wide area in which you can quickly lose yourself as a layman. Small, barely apparent differences, can sometimes have great significance. To find a real expert in Persian rugs, who is also familiar with the smaller and older provenances, has become difficult today.

Patterns and colors of Persian rugs

Classic Persian rugs are knotted exclusively in floral and vase patterns and are usually decorated with a beautiful ornament or medallion in the center. Through-patterned, meaning with a repeating motif, Persian rugs are rarer. The frame around a Persian rug forms the so-called border. Similar to the frame of a painting, the border encloses the ornament of the rug and gives the rug its rectangular shape. In order to show off the magnificent effect of these patterns, the knot density is somewhat higher than in other oriental rugs. Natural and vegetable dyes are used to dye the virgin wool, as they have proven their durability and beauty over synthetic dyes. For example, the blue color of Persian rugs is obtained from indigo. Commonly used colors are for example red, beige and blue. But also colors like turquoise, brown, pink or yellow are often used for Persian rugs.

Vegetable dye as a long-term promise of quality

Rugs dyed with vegetable dyes often develop their true beauty only in the course of time, because the dyes become more uniform and harmonious with time. Old and antique Persian rugs are therefore particularly sought after among collectors and enthusiasts and can accordingly achieve a higher value than new Persian rugs. A Kirman rug, for example, was sold at a London auction in 2010 for an incredible seven million euros and has since been considered the most expensive Persian rug in the world. Shortly before, this rug was unknowingly listed at 900 euros.

Characteristics of a traditional Persian rug

To distinguish between an original Persian rug and a hand-knotted rug from, for example, India or Pakistan, is not easy for a layman because recognizing the most important distinguishing features requires a lot of experience. Indian rugs often look very perfect and adapted, while a Persian rug has a natural authority that gives you a feeling of uniqueness and value. Unfortunately, objective distinguishing features can usually only be recognized by experts. It is therefore advisable to seek the advice of an expert if you have questions about the origin. Our information about the origin of the rugs can be found on the detailed pages. Of course, we can also issue certificates of authenticity upon request.

Care and cleaning of Persian rugs

Persian rugs tend to be very easy to care for. Unless it is an extremely fine or expensive Persian rug, daily wear and weekly vacuuming will not harm it for decades. The natural vegetable dyes, the dense weave and the natural grease of the virgin wool provide protection so that most dirt does not penetrate the rug in the first place. Only the smallest sand and dust particles can settle in the foundation over time. To get the smallest dust particles out of the Persian rug, it is recommended to clean the rug every 3-5 years by professional rug washing.

Everyday dangers for genuine Persian rugs

In everyday life, Persian rugs know only two enemies: red wine and years of sun exposure. Red wine stains can be treated, but cleaning is extremely time-consuming and therefore a not insignificant cost issue. Against one-sided sun exposure, it often helps to turn the rug at even intervals so that both sides are exposed to a similar amount of sunlight. Sun does not necessarily cause a rug to depreciate in value. Many old and antique Persian rugs have only become particularly beautiful and valuable because of their even exposure to sunlight. Some Persian rugs are even placed in the sun for an extra long time to give the color a brighter and more balanced shine. If only water comes into contact with a Persian rug, it is usually sufficient to pat it vigorously dry from both sides. The rug will lift for a few days on the wet spot as moisture causes the warp to expand. Once the moisture has escaped the rug, the warp will settle again and the rug will be unchanged. Vigorous dry rubbing of water stains or the use of cleaning products should be avoided, as both can damage the Persian rug. In case of coffee or cola stains, you should contact a specialist as soon as possible. You can treat the stain yourself with lukewarm water and washing-up liquid. However, you should seek the advice of an expert before doing so.

Buy a classic Persian rug at Rugway

For our selection of classic Persian rugs, we always pay attention to outstanding knotting and wool quality. It is a basic requirement for colors and patterns to last for a long time and give you a lot of pleasure. We offer you a comprehensive cross-section of the world of Persian rugs: From Nain to Loribaft you can order everything online. However, if you have not found your dream rug or have further questions about rugs from Iran, please do not hesitate to contact us. We will be happy to send you suggestions that meet your expectations. If you would like to buy a Persian rug, we offer a 30-day return policy and free round-trip shipping. Our certification with the well-known TrustedShops seal of approval also speaks for our quality and customer-friendliness standards. In addition, you can view the reviews of other customers.

Our most popular categories

Kirman Rugs Kashan Rugs Mir Rugs
Moud Rugs Loribaft Rugs Kashmir rugs
Hereke rugs Ghom rugs Farahan rugs
Gashgai rugs Shiraz rugs Heriz rugs
Bakhtiar rugs Senneh rugs Yalameh rugs
Kazak rugs Anatolia rugs Baluch rugs
Turkmen rugs
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